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Peasant Sustainability

Our commitment

To meet present needs without compromising future ones, using all the resources that nature makes available as efficiently as possible, starting with the land and throughout the life cycle of the food we produce, creating value and focusing on the quality of our products and the well-being of our people.

Working the land, harvesting, processing and packaging agri-food products, trying to avoid any waste, and then not having the burden of cleaning up and recycling, is a basic cardinal principle of the peasant economy.

This is "Peasant Sustainability"
by Farchioni.

“Field to Field”,
the Farchioni 1780 ecosystem

The Farchioni family is at the centre of a real ecosystem composed of its own companies and its main stakeholders.

Farchioni fully controls the production phases from the field to the realisation of the finished products (Field-Farm-Filling) and tries to positively influence the remaining ones on the remaining phases of the process (For Sale-Fork-Feces) through communication actions and with a careful realisation of its products since their design (Food by Design) also in order to help the consumer in the use or recycling of packaging materials.

FIELD / land
Where everything begins and where everything must return.

FARM / cultivation
The activity of transforming the land into a product, giving back to the earth everything that is left over, preserving resources and respecting the territory.

FILLING / transformation
Product processing ensuring the efficient use of resources and giving back to the earth everything that is possible.

FOR SALE / distributionProvide products with environmentally friendly packaging systems throughout all life cycle stages and provide products with longer residual lifetimes.

FORK / consumption
Inform consumers on the proper use of products and decrease impacts related to post-consumer packaging management.

FECES / waste
Return organic waste to land and facilitate reuse and recycling of non-organic waste.

FIELD / ground

Where everything begins and where everything must return.

FARM / cultivation

The activity of turning the land into a product, returning whatever is left over to the earth, preserving resources and respecting the land.

FILLING / transformation

Product processing ensuring the efficient use of resources and giving back to the earth everything that is possible.

FOR SALE / distribution

Provide products with environmentally friendly packaging systems throughout all life cycle stages and provide products with longer residual lifetimes.

FORK / consumption

Inform consumers about the proper use of products and decrease impacts related to post-consumer packaging management.

FECES / waste

Return organic waste to land and facilitate reuse and recycling of non-organic waste.

“Open self-sufficiency”
and circular economy

“Autarchia aperta” è un ossimoro coniato da Pompeo Farchioni nel 2002 che rappresenta bene la visione di una famiglia dedita da sempre, all’agricoltura e alla produzione di cibo di qualità.

Farchioni, with “Open self-sufficiency”, pursues a complete self-sufficiency with respect to the primary production of agricultural products and their consequent transformation by controlling all production phases and, at the same time, offering the consumer only the product ready for use without waste.

Production self-sufficiency from the supply chain (autarchy) within a defined area makes it possible to maximise the regeneration processes typical of circular economy; offering national and international consumers (open) only the finished product with the most efficient pack possible, allowing them to keep all unused resources within the defined territory.

Contributo Farchioni
agli SDGs ONU 2030

Il 25 settembre 2015 l’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite ha approvato l’Agenda 2030 e i suoi Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs).
Gli Obiettivi, dal carattere universale, delineano la necessità di una direzione comune al fine di raggiungere entro il 2030 uno sviluppo sostenibile agendo in particolare su 5 aree chiave: persone, pianeta, prosperità, pace e partnership.

We have produced our first Sustainability Report with the methodological support of DNV Italy S.r.l. Our contribution to the UN's universal goals goes back a long way, as evidenced by the positioning analysis carried out as part of the preparation of the Sustainability Report with respect to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The analysis returned a positive image of our organization as a bearer of a positive contribution to the achievement of many of the United Nations Universal Sustainable Development Goals.
Impatto negativo
Impatto positivo
Magnitude of impact generated by Farchioni's contribution on the 169 targets underlying the 17 SDGs

No potential negative impacts on the overall sustainability scenario attributable to our organization's strategies and operational activities have emerged.

The SDGs and their specific targets to which we at Farchioni make a contribution are also punctually referred to in each chapter of the Farchioni Sustainability Report.

Lettera del Codacons.

Caro consumatore, con questa lettera il Codacons ha solo voluto evidenziare realtà poco conosciute dell’azienda Farchioni 1780 per permetterti di valutare la loro attività in maniera più consapevole


Il presente Bilancio di Sostenibilità è stato realizzato in conformità ai Global Reporting Initiative Reporting Standards definiti dal GRI – Global Reporting Initiative e assoggettato a verifica sulla base dell’International Standard on Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000, da parte della società di revisione indipendente BDO Italia Spa.

Il Bilancio di Sostenibilità Farchioni 2022 è stato realizzato dal Team con il supporto metodologico di DNV, organizzazione internazionale che, da oltre 150 anni, supporta le aziende nel perseguire i propri piani strategici a lungo termine, in modo sostenibile, per contribuire al raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite.

FARCHIONI redige il proprio bilancio di sostenibilità dal 2020 ed è la prima azienda olearia a dotarsi di un bilancio di sostenibilità certificato e integrato a tutte le sue produzioni agricole e relativi processi produttivi. Questo secondo bilancio ci ha consentito di misurare e migliorare le nostre performance, tra cui, la diminuzione delle nostre emissioni totali di gas ad effetto serra del 6,4% rispetto all’anno precedente.

Don't print the sustainability report, let's start with this small gesture to avoid waste


Since 1780, the Farchioni family has selected raw materials and turned them into excellent products at a fair price. EVOO, Wine, Beer and Flour: the Farchioni products come from the heart of Umbria and are found all over the world. We control our supply chain and we value innovation, as well as environmental and social sustainability. Every day we try to enhance the value of good things.

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