
Our commitment

Meeting present needs without compromising future ones, using as efficiently as possible all the resources that nature makes available, starting with the land and throughout the life cycle of the food we produce, creating value and focusing on product quality and people's well-being.

Working the land, harvesting, processing and packaging agri-food products, trying to avoid any waste, and then not having the burden of cleaning up and recycling, is a basic cardinal principle of the peasant economy.

This is Farchioni's "Peasant Sustainability ."

"Field to Field," the Farchioni 1780 ecosystem.

"Field to Field," the Farchioni 1780 ecosystem.

The Farchioni family is at the center of a true ecosystem composed of its businesses and key stakeholders.

Farchioni entirely controls the production phases, from the field to the realization of the finished products (Field-Farm-Filling) and tries to positively influence the remaining phases of the process (For Sale-Fork-Feces) through communication actions and with a careful realization of its products since their design (Food by Design), also in order to help the consumer in the use or recycling of packaging materials.

"Open autarchy "and circular economy

"Open autarchy "and circular economy

"Open Autarchy" is an oxymoron coined by Pompeo Farchioni in 2002 that represents well the vision of a family that has always been dedicated to agriculture and the production of quality food.

Farchioni, with "Open Autarchy," pursues complete self-sufficiency with respect to the primary production of agricultural products and their subsequent processing, controlling all stages of production in order to offer consumers only the product ready for use, without waste.

Production self-sufficiency from the supply chain (autarky) within a delimited area makes it possible to maximize the regeneration processes typical of the circular economy. This makes it possible to offer national and international (open) consumers exclusively the finished product with the most efficient pack possible, allowing all unused resources to be kept in the delimited area.

Farchionia contribution to the UN SDGs 2030

On September 25, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly approved the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Goals, which are universal in nature, outline the need for a common direction in order to achieve sustainable development by 2030 by acting specifically on 5 key areas: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership.

We have produced our first Sustainability Report with the methodological support of BDO Italia S.p.a.
Our contribution to the UN's universal goals goes back a long way, as evidenced by the positioning analysis carried out as part of the drafting of the Sustainability Report with respect to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The analysis returned a positive image of our organization as a bearer of a positive contribution to the achievement of many of the UN's universal Sustainable Development Goals.

No potential negative impacts on the overall sustainability scenario attributable to our organization's strategies and operational activities have emerged.

The SDGs and their specific targets to which we at Farchioni make a contribution are also punctually referred to in each chapter of the Farchioni Sustainability Report.


This Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Reporting Standards defined by GRI - Global Reporting Initiative and audited on the basis of the International Standard on Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000, by the independent auditing firm BDO Italia S.p.a.

FARCHIONI has been preparing its Sustainability Report since 2020 and is the first oil company to have a certified Sustainability Report integrated to all its agricultural production and related production processes. This fourth report has enabled us to measure and improve our performance, including, decreasing our total greenhouse gas emissions by 5 percent from the previous year.

Don't print the sustainability report, let's start with this small gesture to avoid waste!